I’m paid to perform.
The goal, simple.
That’s what the Sawyer brothers want to see from me. They don’t pay me to take unnecessary risks.
And as a general rule of mine, I’ve made it a point to never piss off the Wild Cat if I can help it.
The thing is, I know how to play this game with him. I’ve been doing it for years.
But the girl, the one with purple hair and covered in ink just like her father, she sets my world on fire and my heart to my knees. Long before I knew what to do with that feeling or how to grab a handful of throttle and save myself from crashing, I had a plan for my life.
Until her.
Until she crashed into my world and made me promise to never walk away.
I suppouse that „Cadmen” is a next book in „The” FMX” series. I've read only „Roan” from this stories and that book was pretty good. „Cadmen” is a story about shy love, which have place on the big competition, where motocross is the most important thing.
I wrote in „Roan” that, while reading I felt lost. Why? Because I don't know all of story, abou Shade and Tiller. Here, I had the same situation. River is a Tiller's daughter and even this was explain in „Camden” I still need to know more about Tiller.
„Camden” was a story nice to reading. In this opinion I will treat this book as a single story.
River is a really strong heroine. She has her dream career, but in one moment, one oblivion has ruined everything she was fighting for.
In the end, when the life gives you lemons, do a lemoniade and River is the best example of this sentence.
She do what she must do and then she go to makes her dreams true.
Camden is a good boy. If you are looking badass in this story – nope. Not here. Camden is a friend of River and her secret lover. One problem is her father, Tiller, which he wants all of the best for River (every father wants). Both of they, Camden and Rivera are friends from childhood and it was very nice to see, how their relationship is changing on the pages of this book.
Again, Shey Stahl wrote the perfect story, which gave me so much emotions. I think that „Camden” is the end book of „The FMX” series, so now I finally must read first and second book in this world.
If you need a nice read, with love story form childhood to adulty „Camden” is totally to you.